Setting up Apple Mail, Thunderbird, Outlook and others to use XtreamLab email

The following settings can be used in an email client, such as Thunderbird, Apple Mail, or Microsoft Outlook, or on a smartphone or tablet. Do remember you can also always access your email online from any device by logging into our Webmail service

Incoming email (IMAP)

Port: 993
Encryption/Security: SSL
Username: <your xisl email username>
Password: <your xisl email password>

Outgoing email (SMTPS) - Option 1 - the best

Port*: 587
Encryption/Security: SSL/TLS
Username: <your xisl email username>
Password: <your xisl email password>

* Note: if you are using a really old Microsoft email client, such as Outlook Express, it will default the port to 465.   If you are able to, change this to 587, but otherwise it should still work.

Outgoing email (SMTP+STARTTLS) - Option 2 - the second best

Port*: 25 or 2525
Encryption/Security: STARTTLS
Username: <your xisl email username>
Password: <your xisl email password>

* Sometimes you find that the default port of 25 is blocked by the provider you are using - most notably in hotels, on trains, and other public places.  For this reason we provide port 2525 for this service.